Saturday, August 10, 2013

Emotionally...and Physically Spent

This going to be a little different post the title says however, I reserve the right to share some random thoughts.  While somewhat off topic from my normal rants...this is anything but random. As you all know, I like to write about performance....well, today I witnessed firsthand, the most incredible athletic performance I have ever seen, and that says a lot coming from a guy who has had the opportunity to train some truly gifted athletes.

Today, I watched an amazing athlete ride his bike 62 miles - climbing more than 4000 feet.  I know, many of you reading this may be thinking..."yeah, that's a workout, but it's nothing all that special".  What if I told you this was done by a man who has no use of his legs...on a hand cycle. we're on the same page.

This amazing athlete is Ryan Pinney, a Tech Sargent in the United States Air Force, who serves as a boom operator on a re-fueler.  Prior to today, the furthest Ryan had ridden his bike, was about 30 miles.  Today he doubled that distance, all while climbing 4000 feet!  

Last year The Ride 430 Challenge team presented Ryan with his custom hand-bike following the 2012 campaign and ride.  Less than a year later, Ryan is out riding terrain that most people cannot, or wouldn't attempt on any vehicle that does not possess a motor of some sort!

I was fortunate enough to be part of a team that assisted Ryan on his ride today, and I can tell you that it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  Ryan's bike is fitted with a custom bar that allows two riders to assist him on ascents.  I won't was tough...very tough.  But it was nowhere near as tough as what Ryan experienced.  

As physically challenging as it was to assist Ryan, the experience had a much greater toll on me...emotionally.  Experiencing Ryan's will and determination to not only overcome today's great physical challenge, but also his refusal to give in to his quite possibly the most inspirational and motivating experience I have ever encountered.

I was aware of what I was involved with during our ride, but my emotions didn't get the best of me until I was by myself, driving home.  The weight and significance of what I had witnessed, and blessed to be a part of finally hit me.  

I cried all the way home.

This is what the Ride 430 Challenge is all about.  Giving back to those who have served our country, providing us with the freedoms that we so often take for granted.  Ryan Pinney was able to return to a sport he loved, through generous donations made to the Ride 430 Challenge by people like you.  People who understand that freedom isn't free.

If you would like to be involved with an organization that is passionate about giving back to men and women like Ryan Pinney, click on the Ride 430 Logo in the upper right corner of this page, to learn more about this great charity.

If you would like to make a donation to the Ride 430 Challenge, please visit my fundraising page at

Ryan you are truly an inspiration, and I am honored to have the opportunity to ride with you!

Oh, by the way...Ryan will be riding with the team this year, as we tackle nearly 430 miles and 16,000 feet of climbing, in just 3 1/2 days!

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