Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why do I bother?

Why do I bother to blog?

That's not how the question was asked...but that is the question I asked myself before I responded.

Last night, a great friend asked me how my blog was going, and what it was exactly, that I hoped to accomplish with it.  It's funny how we hear what we want to hear...what we sometimes need to hear.  So what I heard, was not what she asked, but what I have asked myself time and time again, as I sit here in front of my computer typing away..."Why do I bother to blog?"

Am I hoping to get rich off of my affiliate sales programs?  Nope.

Am I hoping to develop an audience that is worthy of advertisers paying me to peddle their wares on my site?  No, not really.

So why the heck do I bother?

I think it has something to do with giving back...and giving back the right stuff, so to speak.  I have been very blessed over the years to have had the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business -  the business of human performance.  Much of what I learned was from outside the 'classroom'...there was no tuition, there were no text was simply one person sharing his or her knowledge with someone who was willing to learn.

That's not to say I don't possess the formal education that I feel is necessary in the world of health and human, no...I certainly put in my time within the classroom environment!  

What I am saying however, is that there have been some key people in my life who have recognized my desire for learning, and have been willing to pass along a great deal of 'real world' knowledge to me, which ultimately bolstered what I had learned in the classroom...for which I am forever grateful.

Now I am in the position to pass along some of my experience and knowledge to others who themselves, are thirsty for information...the right information.

We live in a world of misinformation.  Misinformation that has the ability to be spread worldwide with the simple click of the SEND button.  While the ability to rapidly spread information to such a vast audience can be quite beneficial - the wrong information can certainly have the inverse effect.

Once again, let me qualify what I am saying here...

I am certainly not saying that what everyone else is sharing is wrong...and mine is right.  What I am saying is that there are countless opportunities for others to share information that is simply personal opinion, and often counterproductive...and even harmful.  Oh yeah, and they charge you a great deal of money for it.

This is where I would like to make a it a small one, but a difference nonetheless.

My information is evidence-based.  There is a great deal of peer-reviewed and journal published research to support what I share.  I vow to do my best to provide you with sound information, and I am not too proud to come back and tell you that I made a mistake...if that is the case.  Oh by the way...I am not charging for this information.

It's my way of giving back.

It's why I bother.

Yours in Health and Performance,


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